K&M Laser Hair Removal

(Only available at New York location)

General Information

The laser works by targeting the hair in the follicle below the skin's surface. The lasers we use are FDA approved and safe and effective. The laser energy is transformed into heat, which destroys the hair follicle. In an hour or less, most body areas can be hair-free. While somebody areas are more sensitive than others, most patients report little or no discomfort. Hair grows in cycles. A minimum of six to ten treatments will be necessary (The recommended time between laser treatments is four weeks for any facial treatments and four to six for the body) as the process is most effective on hair during the early growth cycle.


After each session, you will see substantial visible hair reduction. Each laser hair removal treatment will result in a hair growth reduction. Additionally, the hair will grow progressively slower, lighter, and finer with each treatment. It takes more than one treatment to affect all the follicles growing in an area. The number of sessions will vary for each individual. After six to ten treatments, most people achieve satisfactory clearance, but individual results may vary depending on medical and genetic factors. Lighter colored hair may require more treatments than darker colored hair. Since no procedure can guarantee permanent hair removal, most patients can expect a 75 to 90 percent reduction in hair growth. Remember, the laser has FDA approved for permanent hair reduction, not removal. The extent of long-term hair reduction will vary among clients because of the nature of hair and the many factors that influence hair growth. After the initial full course of treatments, there should be little hair regrowth. This regrowth will require future laser hair removal treatments to sustain hair reduction. 


Avoid tanning for 2 months, Avoid waxing, tweezing or depilatory use for 6 weeks. Avoid irritants such as products containing glycolic acid or Retin-A in the area for 5-7 days. No Accutane for 6 months prior to treatment. Shave the desired treatment area the night before laser treatment (we do not provide shaving services as you must do this yourself prior to the treatment). No deodorant, creams, oils, perfumes, etc on area prior to treatment. Wear loose, comfortable clothing on the day of treatment, so as not to irritate the treated area.


The areas treated with the laser may be red following treatment. This will generally fade within 2-3 days. The treated area will feel like a sunburn. Itching is a natural part of the skin's healing process. The area might “crust” or appear like a “cat scratch”. This should resolve within 13-14 days. The treated area can be washed normally with mild soap and water. Wash the area gently with your fingertips as the area is delicate and must be treated with care. Use of a washcloth or other abrasive instrument is not recommended. Cover the treated area with a sunscreen of SPF50 or higher and avoid sun exposure to the treated area for two weeks. Avoid irritants such as products containing glycolic acid or Retin-A in the area for 5-7 days. No deodorant on treated area for 24 hours. Minor crusting or scabbing of the treated area can occur following treatment. Do not rub or pick the scab. Apply 1% hydrocortisone or Aloe Vera to treated area as redness occurs. Hair remaining in the follicle will extrude typically within 1-2 weeks after treatment. This will look like growth, but is simply the body's way of eliminating the hair from the injured follicle.You must avoid bleaching, plucking, waxing, and or/ using nair during and in between treatment sessions. You may shave or clip the area that is to be treated during this time and prior to your visit. No exercise until perifollicular edema (red bumps) resolves. No Jacuzzi, sauna or steam baths until the skin is back to normal. Appointments should be rescheduled if there is any cut,broken, irritated, or inflamed skin in the to be treated. Rescheduling is necessary if an active infection occurs anywhere on the body. Makeup may be used after the treatment ( approximately 48 hours after), unless there is epidermal blistering. Just make sure that you have a moisturizer under your makeup. In fact, moisturizer will help the dead hair exfoliate from the follicle, so use moisturizer frequently and freely on the treated area. Any moisturizer without alpha-hydroxy acids will work. 

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