What You Should Know

Questions, Answers, and Other Information About Waxing

First Things First

You should know what kind of service you are looking for. Three of our most popular waxing services:


Bikini Line

Is a basic tidying; we wax the sides (called your panty line) and across the top. If you're wearing a bikini, this prevents any hairs from peeking out.

Bikini Full

Allows you to take off as much or as little hair as you like from the front. If you want to leave a small strip, triangle, square, or nothing at all, it's up to you!


Goes from the front all the way to the back with an added butt strip. It's perfect for a completely nude look or you can leave a neat triangle, strip, or square on the front—totally your choice. 


What is Waxing and Why

Waxing is a form of hair removal that removes the entire hair from the hair follicle. Unlike shaving, Nair or clippers, which blunty cut the hair at the surface. Warm wax is applied to the skin and “shrink wraps” around the hair follicle allowing the hair to be pulled from the root. Because the entire hair is removed, skin is left very smooth and outlasts any other form of hair removal, you wont believe it till you try it.


Before Your Treatment

Please stop tweezing and/or shaving 2.5 to 3 weeks prior to your first treatment! Your hair should be 1/2 to a 1/4 inch long, or 3-4 weeks of outgrowth after your last shave. Yeahhh, We can hear the moans now, but yes, 3 weeks. Do it! you won’t regret it. If you come in too soon we can’t wax you. A good rule of thumb to remember is if you can EASILY pinch the hair, you’re ready! We suggest wearing loose clothing. The skin is usually sensitive post waxing service and you won’t want to wear anything that rubs. You will not leave in discomfort perse, but expect the waxed area to be sensitive.


How long does it last?

We recommend that clients come back every four weeks for body waxes and every two weeks for facial waxing. To get the most out of your waxing you can take measures at home to ensure that you are ready to wax, that includes exfoliating every 2-3 weeks and absolutely no shaving in between appointments. With consistent visits and at home care your result will be better and your skin will be softer.If you come in too soon the hair will be too short and we won't be able to guarantee a completely smooth result.Please note that hair grows in stages and generally four weeks will complete the hair growth cycle.


Do I Have To Be Completely Undressed For A Brazilian?

Yes! However, only from the waist down. We know it’s a bit unnerving but it’s nothing to be weirded out about. Our waxers are trained professionals and for us, it’s just another regular part of your body. We promise your in good hands so come as you are, it’s a judgement free zone. 


Do your homework!

Most clients will see us 1-2 times a month, this time it's important to keep up with your homework! That includes exfoliating and treating your skin. Exfoliation allows the hair to be released from underneath the skin while also removing dead skin. Consistent exfoliation 2-3 times a week will result in a better result everytime you come in. If you are on any topical or oral prescribed medications/treatments let your waxer know ahead of time as well. 

For more information about waxing or to ask us a question please feel free to contact us via phone or by sending a message to one of our experts.